Prof. Vien Cheung

Title: Colour memorability


Colour coding is applicable to many design and production processes. By assigning specific colour to different elements, objects or products, colour coding aids effective identification and categorisation. Brands often apply colours strategically to its visual identity, marketing materials, packaging and products; and invest substantially to ensure the ownership of their brand colour(s). Close connection between colour code and brand can enhance brand loyalty and favouring purchasing decisions. However, these benefits are also recognised by copycat brands and counterfeit goods, who are deliberately appeared similar to established brands, tend to take advantage of the existing brands’ image and to confuse the consumer’s brand familiarity. This talk will discuss our abilities on colour differentiation and colour memory, as well as any characteristics of colour which may allow increasing such abilities. It is aimed the understanding can provide contributions to more considered applications and to, perhaps, create a greater barrier to misleading competitions.


Vien Cheung, an academic in the UK, has authored >100 refereed publications in the areas of colour vision, colour science, colour imaging and colour design. Her ethos on integrity and diversity takes her to explore how colour can be used as a vehicle to shift our ‘black and white’ judgements into a more variegated and expansive perception of the world. Vien is active in charitable and educational colour organisations including the International Colour Association (AIC), the Colour Group of Great Britain and Society of Dyers and Colourists, for which she is a Past President, Chairman and an Honorary Secretary respectively.